Association for Middle Level Education

In all of my time as a middle school educator, there is one organization that I have always respected for its many articles and books on best practices for middle level education.  The Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE), formerly the National Middle School Association, was formed to support the overall success of middle school across the country.  AMLE’s mission statement reads:

The Association for Middle Level Education is dedicated to improving the educational experiences of young adolescents by providing vision, knowledge, and resources to all who serve them in order to develop healthy, productive, and ethical citizens.

I wanted to share with all of you the basic principles of AMLE’s main position paper written as a guide for all middle schools.  This We Believe has provided direction for me as an educator since my first year of teaching in 1995.  There are 16 characteristics and 4 essential attributes of developmentally responsive middle schools.  As a school leader, I strive to live up to the ideas set forth in this document.  Please click here to see a one page summary of This We Believe.

Always know that King Middle School will continue to strive to be the best middle school for your children.


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